Navajo Night Chant

With beauty before me, I walk.
With beauty behind me, I walk.
With beauty below me, I walk.
With beauty above me, I walk.
With beauty all around me, I walk.
Egyptian Book of the Dead

What I hate is ignorance, smallness of imagination, the eye that sees no farther than its own lashes. All things are possible.. Who you are is limited only by who you think you are.
The Code of Hammurabi

The first duty of government is to protect the powerless from the powerful.
— Hammurabi
Epic of Gilgamesh

He came a far road, was weary, found peace. -Prologue, Tablet I
Babylonian Creation Story: Enuma Elish

When the heavens above did not exist,
And earth beneath had not come into being…

Any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.–Homer, The Iliad