Stop acting so small.
You are the universe in ecstatic motion.


Rumi’s poetry is characterized by a deep understanding of the human condition which recognizes the grief of loss as well as the ecstatic joy of love.

Joshua J. Mark

1207–1273 CE

Jalal al-Din Rumi

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (also given as Jalal ad-did Muhammad Balkhi, best known as Rumi, l. 1207-1273 CE) was a Persian Islamic theologian and scholar but became famous as a mystical poet whose work focuses on the opportunity for a meaningful and elevated life through personal knowledge and love of God. He was a devout Sunni Muslim and, even though his poetry emphasizes a transcendence above religious strictures and dogma, it is grounded in an Islamic worldview. Rumi’s God is welcoming to all, however, no matter their professed faith, and one’s desire to know and praise this God is all that is required for living a spiritual life.  

He was born in Afghanistan or Tajikstan to well-educated, Persian-speaking parents and followed in his father’s profession as a Muslim cleric, establishing himself as a well-respected scholar and theologian until he met the Sufi mystic Shams-i-Tabrizi (l. 1185-1248 CE) in 1244 CE and embraced the mystical aspects of Islam. After Shams disappeared in 1248 CE, Rumi searched for him until he realized that Shams’ spirit was with him always, even if the man himself was not present, and began composing verse which he claimed to receive from this mystical union.

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