Tells the story of King Narmer's victory in battle and the approval of the gods at the unification of Egypt.

Palette of Narmer

It features some of the earliest hieroglyphics found in Egypt and dates to c. 3200-3000 BCE. The palette is carved of a single piece of siltstone, commonly used for ceremonial tablets in the First Dynastic Period of Egypt. 

Narmer Palette by Joshua J. Mark

3100-3000 BCE

The engraving depicts a victorious Egyptian king unifying the land under his rule. Traditionally, this king was known as Menes, the first king of the Early Dynastic Period who united Upper and Lower Egypt through conquest. His predecessor, according to the 3rd century BCE historian Manetho, was a king named Narmer, who sought to unify the country through peaceful means. Menes has been associated with Narmer and also with Menes’ successor, Hor-Aha, who is also credited with the unification of Egypt.

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The Temple of Horus | Nekhen, Egypt

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Pre 500 BCE 1%

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