Symbolizes where Muhammad threw his spear to face Mecca for prayer

Mihrab Mosaic (Isfahan Iran)

 This Specific one is from Iran and dates back from a Madrasa in Isfahan, Iran in 1354–55.

Nadia Bryson, The Mihrab at the MET

1354-1355 CE

This Specific one is from Iran and dates back from a Madrasa in Isfahan, Iran in 1354–55. Covered with a mix of blue, gold, green, and white mosaic tile, the blue tiles range in shades from an electric blue to a vibrant sky blue. The tiles used are called mosaic tiles, these are different from using different colored tiles with a solid color or so on the tile and placing them to create an image. No, these tiles already have designs painted on them, and they are arranged to flow together and make the design.

The inner actual niche part, is decorated by repetitive floral designs and the upper part of the niche has a different kind of organic design using the Meander, a frame technique and straight in the middle is Kufic inscription framed with a mini decorative band wrapped around it. On the arabesque arch of the niche is more Kufic inscription but the way it’s written also creates a pattern within the writing, which is hard to miss with its white background and dark letters but even tho it stands out, it complements the piece and ties in with everything. Not only is Kufic script inside and around the niche itself but it surrounds the whole Mihrab like a picture frame, with a dark blue tile background and white inscriptions.

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How far back?

Point in Timeline | Post 500 CE 80%

2020 | Present